Sunday, November 21, 2010

I cant help myself - just keep answering these phishing emails! ATM!

Ref: Ref: FGN /SNT/STB

You know who I AM, right? After all, you sent this to me.

Please send details for processing:
* Your SS/Tax ID
* CC number / sec code / pin

* Means Of Identification you have to scan your ass in a photocopy machine and attach to your shirt collar.
Hurry. There is no time left.


Senator Money Bags.
Chairman,Committee On Receipt Of Assface ATM Payment.

PS- Meanwhile, this email has been traced to you. Since I am a politician, cash is ALWAYS king, especially if you want to stay out of trouble with my Committee. Please meet me on the Senate floor with the money.
(password: Linda Morgan) wrote:

Your Ref:
This is to officially inform you that(ATM Card Number; 4278763100030014) has been accredited in your favor,Your Personal Identification Number is 2900.The ATM Card Value is $1.8Million  USD,Contact Mrs.Linda Morgan ( With the information's bellow:

Please provide my Secretary the following details for processing:
* Full Name:
* Delivery Address:
* Sex:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Phone Number:
* Country:
* Means Of Identification you have to scan and attach your passport or driver's license:


Senator David Mark.
Chairman,Committee On ATM Card Payment.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Twist in the phishing line

Here is one I've never seen before. Kinda takes the cake, don't you think so too? I was just reading about the time when there were a lot of Christians in Iraq. That was about a thousand years ago, and they were not Roman Catholics.

Greetings to you in the name of our lord,
From: Rev.David Todd (Catholic priest)
Greetings to you in the name of our lord,
From: Rev.David Todd (Catholic priest)
3 Whitehall Court SW1A
2EL London U.K
Tel: +447024026752

Dear Beloved,

It is an art of God to come across you on the internet.I have the
intention of helping the poor children out there because i feel for them
when ever i see them on television crying for help.  As a clergy man from
my peace keeping visit to Iraq during the peace keeping mission. I am a
priest and I do not know how to explain about the money to my Parish
because in Ukraine, they will want to take over 25.5 Million Dollars, We
can work together to achieve success if you will agree to claim the money
as donation.

We will build schools; help out poor missionaries and orphanages, we will
teach people to know and to serve God.I promised in the name of God, I
will adequately compensate you with a reasonable amount if you agree to
assist me.

Please keep this proposal secret and respond.
Rev.David Todd

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gold mining in So America

Happy New Year! This blog started as a lark - spoofing a scammer, but alas they disappeared. A loss? Hardly.

Now I get a different kind of email. Seems we all stopped the circulating petition a while back, but these folks in Argentina/Chile are in a tough spot, standing up to the mining industry. (Its the Bushies!) I say more power to them - if anyone reads this and wants to help them stand strong, give them a ring! Ill put my name on their petition. But their govt should get more than one email every 400 petitioners!!

Que le vaya bien. ¡Feliz año!

Yo busque la empresa en Google y comprobe que el proyecto existe, no suelo reenviar este tipo de mensajes pero esto me parece sumamente grave y habria que intentar impedirlo, la inteligencia humana tiene limites, la estupidez y la corrupcion no.

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 13:36:01 -0300
Subject: muy muy importante!!


Grandísimos depósitos de oro, plata y otros minerales han sido encontrados bajos los glaciares.

Para llegar hasta ellos será necesario quebrar y destruir los glaciares -algo nunca concebido en la historia del mundo- y hacer 2 grandísimos huecos, cada uno tan grande como una montaña, uno para la
extracción y otro para el deshecho de la mina.
El proyecto se llama PASCUA LAMA. La compañía se llama Barrick Gold. La operación esta siendo planeada por una multinacional de la cual es miembro George Bush padre...
http://www.barrick. com
http://www.barrick. com/GlobalOperat ions/SouthAmeric a/Pascua LamaProject/ default.aspx
El gobierno Chileno ha aprobado el proyecto para que empiece este año. La Única razón por la cual no ha empezado aún, es porque los campesinos han obtenido un aplazamiento.
Si destruyen los glaciares, no solamente destruirán la fuente de un agua especialmente pura, pero contaminarán permanentemente los 2 ríos de tal forma que nunca volverán a ser aptos para consumo por humanos o animales debido al uso de cianuro y ácido sulfúrico en el proceso de extracción.

Hasta el último gramo de oro será enviado a la multinacional en el extranjero y ni uno le quedará a la gente a quien le pertenece esta tierra .
A ellos solo les quedará el agua envenenada y las enfermedades consiguientes. Los campesinos llevan bastante tiempo peleando por su tierra, pero no han podido recurrir a la TV por una prohibición del Ministerio del Interior.
Su única esperanza para frenar este proyecto es obtener ayuda de la justicia Internacional.
El mundo debe enterarse de lo que esta pasando en Chile ... El lugar por donde empezar a cambiar el mundo es nuestro lugar.

Circula este mensaje entre tus amigos de esta forma:
Por favor copie este texto y péguenlo a un mensaje nuevo, añadiendo su firma y enviándolo a todas las personas en su archivo de direcciones, con copia oculta (CCO).
< /div>
Se ruega a la persona numero 400 que reciba este mensaje mandarlo a noapascualama@, para que sea remitido al gobierno Chileno.

No a la mina abierta Pascua Lama en la cordillera andina sobre la Frontera
entre Chile-Argentina .

Pedimos al gobierno Chileno que no autorice el proyecto Pascua Lama para proteger la totalidad de 2 glaciares, la pureza del agua de los valles de San Félix y El Tránsito, la calidad de la tierra cultivable en la Región de
Atacama y la calidad de vida de la gente afectada de la Región.


1. Pablo Wayne ............ ......... ......... .BARCELONA
2. Sebastian Belaustegui ............ . ........México
3. Mónica María Rodríguez .........México
4. Cecilia Gandarilla Rojas...... ...México
5. Bruno Morales....... ......... ....... .México
6. Mariana Campos Farfán........ .......... ....México
7. Arturo Oriz G........... ....México
8. Isadora Martinez ......... ........México
9. Andrés R.Gutiérrez.. ............ .Argentina
10. Claudia Catelli..... ......... ...... ........ Brasil/México
11. M. Angeles Varea F........... . ....México
12. Norma Guerrero E........... .......México
13. Rafael Bretón R........... ........ .México
14. Clara Glockner R........... ........México
15. Michelle Bretón G............ . .......México
16. Helena Quevedo Stahre...... .. .....Suecia
17. Maria Diaz........ ......... ... ....Suecia
18. Danitza Alba.......... ......... .......... ......... Suecia
19. Magdalena Acuna....... ........... ......... ...Suecia
20. Dalila Navarrete... ............ .....Nicaragua
21. Tania Guillén Bolaños.... ......... Nicaragua
22. Verónica Molina Vega....... .......Nicaragua
23. Nicole Handal...... .......... ........ ......... ...Honduras
24. Madeline Thiebaud.... ...... ......Guatemala
25. Jose Miguel Monge Gomez....... ... Costa Rica
26. David Gómez Murillo..... .-..... ...Costa Rica
27. Sergio Araya Cordero..... ..... ...Costa Rica
28. Melania Guzman Masis...... .......Costa Rica
29. Gabriel Navarro Mata.... ......... Costa Rica
30. Lilly Guardia Carballo.... .. .....Costa Rica
31. Carlos Felipe Huezo....... ... ....Costa Rica
32. Marcelo Rodriguez... ............ .Costa Rica
33. Mariela Viquez Balmaceda. ........Costa Rica
34. Daniel Alvarez..... ......... .....Costa Rica
35. Lydia Vargas Musmanni .......... Costa Rica
36. Ana Cristina Trejos Murillo ..... Costa Rica
37. Sofía Yglesias Fischel....... ... .. Costa Rica
38. Laura Murillo Roos........ .. ....Costa Rica
39. Mariana Murillo Roos........ ... ..Costa Rica
40. Sharon Chaverri.... .......... .....Costa Rica
41. Diego Zuñiga....... .......... ......Costa Rica
42. Mariela Víquez Araya....... ... ...Costa Rica
43. Geovanny Solís Víquez....... ... ..Costa Rica
44. Carlos Güémez Shedden..... ...... .Costa Rica
45. Sergio Escalona R........... .. ...Costa Rica
46. Nelson Salas....... ......... .......Costa Rica
47. Bernardo Mora Villalobos.. .... ...Costa Rica
48. Marco Estrada Rojas....... .......Costa Rica
49. Oscar Saborío Romano...... ..... ..Costa Rica
50. Ana María Sancho Castro ........ ..Costa Rica
51. Ana Patricia Incera Castro...... .Costa Rica
52. Ana Laura Brenes Musmanni.... ....Costa Rica
53. Ana María Moreno Restrepo.... ....Costa Rica
54. Luis Fernando López Moreno...... .Colombia
55. Juan Camilo Acevedo..... .........Colombia
56. Carolina Quiroga Medina...... ... ..Colombia
57. Deidra vanessa Sánchez........ ... ..Colombia
58. Jairo Vergel Sánchez...... .......Colombia
59. Ruth Zary Bernal Rodriguez... . ............ . .España
60. Chiquinquirá Rodríguez Santander... ..Colombia
61. Jorge Eliécer Bernal Ochoa........ Colombia
62. LUZBY JENNETTE SANCHEZ .............. ......COLOMBIA
69. CLAUDIA RICO ............ ........... ...COLOMBIA
70. EDGAR ZULUAGA .............. ....COLOMBIA
71. RICHARD AMELL------- -------COLOMBIA
73. laura cristina suarez o.--------Colombia
74. Diego Andrès Jaimes Acevedo -Colombia
75. Claudia V Correa P ---------Colombia
76. Maria Fernanda Jaramillo--- ---Colombia
78. milton bello ------------ --------- ------ Colombia
79. Jose Luis Rodriguez. ------------ COLOMBIA .
80. Diana Rodriguez Parra --- ------ COLOMBIA.
81. BETO........ ......... ......... ........... ..Colombia
82. JOSE LUIS RUIZ........ .... ........... .COLOMBIA
83. Sandra M.Ramirez Contreras..... .. ...Colombia
84. Liliana Castiblanco. ......... ........... ...Colombia
85. Betzy Montañez ............ ........... .....Colombia
86. Ana Maria Franco...... ......... ........... .Colombia
87. David Jaramillo C........... ........... ....Colombia
88. Mauricio Rodríguez Panesso .....Colombia
89. Johanna Galindo Sánchez........ .....Colombia
90. Andres silva.....Colombia
91. Martin Kralicek.... .Argentina
91. Fernando De Angelis..... Argentina
92. Maria Sol Izumi ....... Argentina
93. Maria Belen Fernandez... ............ ... Argentina
94.Maria Victoria Santiago...... ....Argentina
95. Analía Scandola.... ............ .....Argentina
96. Ivana Marini...... ......... ......... Argentina
97. Maria Lujan Fredes...... ........... Argentina
98. María Laura Bertolami... ........Argentina
99. Lucia Garayalde... ......... ........ Argentina
100. Eugenia Arias....... ........... .......Argentina
101. Nazarena Sigona...... ........... ...Argentina
102. Julieta Mendez...... ........... ...Argentina
103. Gabriela Barone...... ........... ..Argentina
104. Natalia Barone...... ........... ....Argentina
105. ITO NOEMI....... ......... ..........ARGENTINA
106. Silvina..... ......... .............. ...Argentina
107. Cristina.... ......... ........... ....Agentina
108. MABEL SANCHEZ..... ..........ARGENTIN A
109. Jorge E. Serex....... ......... ..Argentina
110. Loti Edelcopp.... ......... ....Argentina
111. Silvana Di Benedetto..... ...... Argentina
112. Lucas Lopez....... ........... .......Argentina
113. Lucia Izquierdo... ........... ......Argentina
114. Josefina Giobando.... ......... Argentina
115. Antonela G........... .Argentina
116. ARTURO B........... ..Argentina
117. DIEGO SANTI....... ........... .......ARGENTINA
118. Mauro Accattoli... ........... ........Argentin a
119. Santiago C........... .....Argentina
120. Alejo Alvarez..... .....Argentina
121. Pablo Agú.......... ........... ......... ..Argentina
122. Ricardo Garrocho.... ......... ........... ........Argentin a
123. Claudio Magistrai... ......... ........... ......... ..Argentina
124. Daniel Chafer...... ......... ........... ......... Argentina
125. Rodrigo G. Torres...... ......... ......... ....Argentina
126. Lia J. Patiño....... ........... ......... ......... .Argentina
127. Ivana Torres...... ......... ........... .......Argentina
128. ANDREA SERRA....... ........... ......... ..ARGENTINA
129. Virginia Capoya...... ......... ........... ....Argentina
130. Glenda Y. Atés......... ........... ......... ..Argentina
131. Marcelo Ayala....... ......... ........... .....Argentina
132. Leandro Fidelvo..... ......... ......... .......Argentina
133. Mariano Bongiovanni. ........... ......... .Argentina
134. Mariana Frick....... ........... ......... ......... ..Argentina
135. Cora I. Bertero..... ........... ......... ......... ..Argentina
136. María Cecilia Maza.......... ......... ......... ...Argentina
137. Miriam Carina Morandin.... ........... ......... ..Argentina
138. Lorena Agustina Morandin ............. ........ Argentina
139. Marina Serrano..... ......... ......... .......... ...Argentina
140. Silvana Sirini...... ......... ......... .......... ......Argentina
141. Patricia Andrada..... ......... ......... .......... .Argentina.
142. Karina García ............ ......... .......... ....... Argentina.
143. Berenice Apessetche.. ......... ......... ........Argentina .
144. Jose Maria Romero...... ......... ......... .....Argentina.
145. David Alejandro Canga......... ......... ........Argentin a.
146. Carrizo Maria....... ........... ......... ......... ...Argentina.
147. Paschetta Maria Nazarena.... ......... .....Argentina.
148. María Strasorier.. ......... ......... ......... .....Argentina.
149. Cañete Mariel........ ......... ......... ......... ....Argentina.
150. Gabriella Quiroz...... ........... ......... ......... .. México
151. Jessica Astrid Canto Grajeda ............ .....México
152. Daniela López .............. ......... ......... ......México
153. Elizabeth Ocampo...... ........... ......... ........Mé xico.
154.Armando Garcìa......... ......... ......... ......... ..Mèxico
155. Mariana Montes Ramírez...... ......... ........ México
156 luis gerado vargas barbosa..... ......... ........mexico
157 Josue Meda Barbosa..... ........... ......... .......Mejico.
158 Gabriel Posada Santiago...... ......... ......... ..México
159 Luis A. Munive...... ........... ......... ......... .....Mexico
160 Roberto López Hdez.......... ......... ......... ......... México
161 Luis fernando González..... ......... ......... .......México
162 Marco Mora........ ........... ......... ......... Mèxico
163 Maricela Reyes Ku............ ......... ......... ......México
165 Alejandra Franco...... ........... ......... ......... .....Mexico
166 NORMA A. RUIZ........ ........... ......... ......... .....MEXICO
167 AYDEE BAEZ VARGAS...... ........... ......... ........MEXICO
168 Hilda Juárez....... ......... ... México
170 Jorge Miranda ..........México
171 Janet Ortiz....... ........... .México
172 Ana Eli Ortega Sánchez....México
173 Vicente Ruiz Barrachina.... .......ESPAÑ A
174 Marianela Orozco Soto .............. MEXICO
175 Eva Mayra Rojas Ruiz.......... ........Mé xico
176. Luis E. Mendez .............. ......México

177.Jesus Hernandez Miguez...... .......Mexico
178.. Beatriz Solorza Arevalo..... .....Mexico
179. Princesa Anabell Millan
180. Maika Basurto Jardí........ ........Mé xico
181. Gonzélez Salazar Juan Jesús.....México
182. Melgar García José Israel...... .México
183.Maria Isabel Brito Moyao..... México
184.Tamar PiedraCarrillo. ......... ....México
185.Jorge piedra hernandez... ......... .mexico
186. alma gutierrez... .......... .......méxico
187.Silvia Flores...... ......... ......... méxico
188.Martha Garcia...... ......... ......México
189. Fernando Quiroz....... ......... México
190. Victoria Borroel..... ......... ...México
191. Luis Guerra...... ......... .......Venezuela
192. José Antonio Nieto Rodríguez www.energiasolarsin ...MEXICO
193. Alejandro Rodriguez... ......... .México
194. Rafael Ugas........ ......... ......... Venezuela
195. Roney Crespo ............ ......... ......... .... Venezuela
196. Ines Negrete ............ ......... ....Venezuela
197. AMERICA NEGRETE..... ......... .... MIAMI
198. ADRIANA UTRERA...... ......... ..... VENEZUELA
199. Edumar Merchan..... ......... ....... Venezuela
200. Melania Patiño....... ......... ........ Venezuela
201. Josmat Velasco..... ......... ......... . Venezuela
202. Wendy Paredes..... ......... ......... .Venezuela
203. Mabel González..... ......... ......... ..España
204 Miriam Peñaranda.... ......... ........... Venezuela
205 JOSE LUIS LOPEZ ............ ......... ......MEXICO
207. Arlette Gonzalez de Reyes....... ........Venezuel a
208. Moy Moy Hung........ ......... ......... ....Venezuela
209. NIEVES LOPEZ....... ......... ......... ......VENEZUELA
210. Neyi Barroeta.... ......... ......... .......Venezuela
211. Nohe Barroeta.... ......... ......... .......Venezuela
212. Erika Silva....... ......... ......... ......... .Venezuela
213. maria angelica ............ ......... ......... venezuela
214.Claudia Picher...... ......... ......... ......... Venezuela
215. Estefania Bracaglia... ......... ......... ....Venezuela
216. Susana A.P.Kleczynski. ......... ......... ...VENEZUELA
217.Aquiles J Hernandez Egui........ .......Venezuela
218. Ariana Taramona.... ......... ......... ......Venezuela
219. Ana margarita Flores Mora........ .......Venezuela
220. JORGE RUIZ.......... ........ VENEZUELA
221. Marina Pérez........ ......Venezuela
223. Maria del Carmen Valencia M.....Venezuela
224. Jorge Luis Gonzalez.... ......... VENEZUELA
225. Fabian Villalobos.. ......... .......COLOMBIA
226. Jorge H. Solanilla B........... ......... COLOMBIA
229. Carlos Alberto Rodríguez .....COLOMBIA
230. Nini johanna Ortiz...colombia
240. Mauricio Campo Salazar .......... COLOMBIA
241. Camilo Alzate Ovalle -........... ....COLOMBIA
242. Cesar Andres Ramirez ............ ........Colombia
243. Mónica Jaramillo J. ............ ......... ....Colombia
245.Federico Rippe Di Dio Castagna>>>>>Colombia (Para esto si se usan los Forwards)
246. Max Enrique Nieto Warnken..... ......... Colombia
247. Jhuliana A. Gómez........ Colombia
248: Santiago Mendoza Mogollon---- --------- -----Colombia
249: Carlos Eduardo Sandoval ------------ --- Colombia
250 Laura Garcia Gutierrez... ......... ......... .....COLOMBIA
251: Mauricio Monroy Amaya....... ......... ......... COLOMBIA (El Oro no nos dio la vida, ni nos quita la sed)
252: Carolina Uribe ............ ......... .COLOMBIA.
253: Maria Kuri
254: carlos h tamayo. colombia
256. Maria Isabel Giraldo Angel
257.Maria Mercedes Llano Colombia
258. Ralph Bruns - Costa Rica
259. Adriana Ingianna - Costa Rica
260. Alexander Vargas - Costa Rica
261. Edgar Arce Araya- Costa Rica
262. Allan Zamora Ramirez- Costa Rica.
263. Eylin Soto Viquez-COSTA RICA
264. Sandra Calvo.- Costa Rica
265. Ana Salazar - Costa Rica
266. Carmen Garcia- Costa Rica
267. Mainor Alvarado - Costa Rica
268. Pablo Zamora - Costa Rica
269. Andrea Rodríguez-Costa Rica
272.Fabián Artavia- Costa Rica
273. Ericka Cascante-COSTA RICA
274. Edmundo Suárez- Perú
275. Boris Ramirez - Perú
276. Diana Cubas - Perú
277. Gianina Rivera - Perú
278- Gianfranco Rivera - Perú
280.- Augusto Segura Infante ------ Peru
281.- Taylin Chiang Salazar - PERU
283._Omayra Dueñas Mujica-Perú
284.-Damaris Quispe Moscoso -Perú
285.- Kelly Ayma-Perú
286.- Jasmin Del C@rPIº - peRú
287...-YennY GuillEn C@tasi
288.-Christian Barboza Llerena-PERU
289.- Margoth Perez Barboza - Chiclayo - Lambayeque - Peru
290.-Didany Pèrez Coronel - Chiclayo - Lambayeque - Perù
291.- Stefanie Bellido Barboza -LIMA -PERU
292.- Karla Sánchez Vizcarra-Lima- Peru
293.- vanessa oc lima peru
294._Rocio Sinti Lima_Perú
295.- Mariana Giles Herrera..... ........ Pennsylvania, USA
296.- Ingrid Fürstenau.... ........... Alemania, Duisburg
297..- Carlos Aliaga Caballero... .. Lima, Perú
298.- Patricia Eliana Castro Corcuera ....Trujillo - Perú
299.-Aliosha Malinarich.. ..... CHile- Temuko
300. Rebeca Garcia Lavandera.... ...España- --Asturies
301. Ricardo Ripoll Dono................España--Asturies
303. Vanessa Vega Suárez............España--Asturies
304. Silvia Alvarez Sanb Millán..........España
305- Rafeek Albertoni.... ESPAÑA.
306. Magdalena Ochoa.... Argentina.-
307- Juan sepulveda- argentina
308- Fedrizzi Silvia- Argentina
309- Zulhma Fedrizzi..........Bahia blanca* Buenos Aires* ARGENTINA
310 Hernan Carrizo C.A.B.A Argentina
311 Natalia Rodriguez ARGENTINA
312 Ileana Cbaleiro Aran Arg.
313 Nicolás Tiburzi Argentina
314 Micaela Eliana Flores Argentina
315 Karina Flores Argentina
316-perez jonathan - ARGENTINA (MAR DE AJO)
317 arellano yanina - Argentina (MAR DE AJO)
318 Arellano Mariana - Argentina (san bernardo del tuyu)
319 Zadeu Walter - Mar de Ajó - Argentina
320 - Pamela González Busai - General Lavalle - ARGENTINA
322-Dardenne, Maria Lujan-San Bernardo del Tuyu-Bs.As-ARGENTINA
323 Claudio Compagni - trento - ITALIA
324 Clarita Corti.Bs.As. ARGENTINA
325 - Ana María Pavesi - ARGENTINA
326 - Jorge Fenzi - ARGENTINA
327-Mabel Vallory - ARGENTINA
328- Emilia Gregrorio
329-Vanesa Lima-ARGENTINA Bs As
330- Vanesa Mechato. Argentina
340 - Formoso Pablo Andres. Argentina
341 - Maria Formoso - Argentina
343 - Susana Caceres CABA ARGENTINA
344 - Sergio Beatriz ARGENTINA
345 - Andrea Franchini ARGENTINA
346 - Pamela Morales - Entre Rios - Argentina
347 - Adriana Ludi - Entre Rios - Argentina
348 - Fabiana ludi - argentina
349 - Maximiliano Serb- Argentina
350 - Melisa Campana - Argentina
351 - Sanchez Tamara - Argentina
352- Enriquez Melisa - Sta Fe - Argentina
353- Jacob Cecilia - Entre Ríos - Argentina
354- Wertheimer Guillermo - Entre Ríos - Argentina
355- Neme MARTIN- Entre Rios -Argentina
356- Mancione Natalia- Entre Rios -Argentina
357- Deangelis Juan Ignacio -Entre Rios - Argentina
358 - NAtalia Gonzalez - Argentina
359- Acevedo Germán- Argentina
360- Gallay Marcos - Argentina
361- Francou Fernando - Argentina
362-Francou Valeria - Argentina.-
363-Orcellet Georgina e. -Entre Rios- Argentina
364 - Carlos L Bouvet - Entre Ríos - Argentina
365- María Laura Martinez- Entre Ríos- Argentina
366 - Damián Latour - Entre Ríos - Argentina
367- Scevola Eduardo- Entre Rios- ARGENTINA
368- Carake Claudia- BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA
370- Sabrina Antonela Pardini - Buenos Aires Argentina
371-Lorena Vilaplana -Argentina
372 -Sonia Vilaplana
373- Norma Castro San Juan-Argentina
374- Yésica Oro San Juan-Argentina
375- Carlos Oro San Juan-Argentina
376- Mercedes Luna San Juan-Argentina
377- Norma Bassi San Juan-Argentina
378- Natalia Oro San Juan-Argentina
379-Natalia Pires Misiones-Argentina
380- Valeria Marcucci- Santa cruz Argentina
381- Melot Marcelo - Posadas Misiones - Argentina
382-Nora Boratti- Oviedo-Spain
383-Graciela Torriglia -Misiones- Argentina
384-Luisa Tosca-Misiones-Argentina
385- Langton Juan Esteban - Misiones - Argentina
386- Eloísa Garrido -Chubut - Argentina
387- Oscar Tercic -Chubut - Argentina
388 - Nicolas Carrazzoni - Buenos Aires Argentina
389 - Constanza Garcia - Buenos Aires - Argentina
390 - Ana María - Buenos Aires - Argentina
391 - Bibiana Piaggio - Buenos Aires - Argentina
392- Gabriela Marini -Buenos Aires- Argentina
393 - Eduardo Tami - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blog suspended! My explanation.

(1/26/09) An explanation:

After I wrote the entry below, the freeze on the blog was lifted. Cant be too careful, I guess. But in the interum our fine friends in ... where ever they are... had fallen silent. No surprise, I guess. I hope they find a better way to support their families, gotta be tough in Nigeria these days! All the best to you, and them, and to you if you are them! We ARE all one, remember?


* * * *

Im new to blogging, so maybe Im not aware of something important here. If so, I apologize! My new blog is suspended, and if I have violated the rules or been misleading (I suspect that IS the complaint) then Im perfectly willing to end it - dont want to cause harm for sure. I am posting here due to my inability to find a way to talk with blogger, hoping that asking for review and this post will do for "dialogue".

I got an email, obvious phishing with all the trappings: promise of big money from the IMF/World Bank (with incorrect use of numerals making it unclear HOW big), gotta pay up front – or else travel to W Africa to collect, slight alteration of the name of a prominent individual, imaginary threat of usurpation of identity/funds by a third party.

I found it all relatively amusing and thought: "Ill respond, and post the thread on a blog - expose the hoax and have a little harmless fun for all." If thats not so fun, or dangerous to someone, Im sorry - please take it down.
Dexter Payne

OK, I got a little hot-headed

Hey, I just received an email from my friend in England and in it was this message he received in September:

Sep 18 2008, 03:54 PM

Hello Beneficiary

This is to officially inform you that your Inheritance/Contract fund that due to you, which is not yet paid to you because you did not fulfilled the obligation given to you in respect of your payment. The INTERNATIONAL MONTARY FUND in conjunction with the European Union, The United States Gorvenment and World Bank for the sole purpose of resolving pending transfer has compensate you with US$1.100,000,00. This amount is directed in cash credit to code FBB/009793576430 at the owner of this email address.

For security reasons your email address was choose to send it instead of your name.The bank made us to know that one Mr David Chop has contact them for the payment of the fund to him as the rightful beneficiary to the fund. Here comes the big question, (DID YOU AUTHORIZED MR DAVID CHOP TO RECEIVE THE MONEY ON YOUR BEHALF WITH THIS ACCOUNT DETAILS IN CHINA?) Account Number 7222111482600000209, Account Name David Chop, Bank Citic Bank, Swift code. ULSBIE2D. IBAN number. IE78ULSB98533083313083.

If yes, advise the bank to pay him. But if No, Contact the director Financial Bank Benin Dr Augustine Ekene through Email with your full contact information to resolve and reprogram your information and release your fund to you. 1,Your full names -----------, Your present home address ----------------, Your direct phone number ------------------, Your current occupation ----------------, Your Age --------------- and Marital status ----------------.

Because of the double claim the authority advised that you come to Benin Republic or you secure affidavit of fact from court, if you can not come because of personal reasons. Due to the dubious character of the past officer at the bank, the document will cost you $195. Contact the bank with your code FBB/009793576430 and the fee, your entitlement valid will be release to you. If you did not take any action immediately, in the next couple of days they will release the money to him.

Madam Ngozie Iwuala

Now, I am not normally a skeptical person - Im very trusting when I have a good feeling about someone, and I had a real good feeling about Ngozie, or Ngozi, or whatever her real name is. After all, Minister of Finance... so what if she occasionally forgets to spell her own name right. Nobody is perfect, right?

But in the first place, this letter to my friend has all the same numbers as the letter to me. The same for Mr Crop. yes. But also the same acct code# for me as for my friend? Is this some kind of form letter your bank sends out to all people it owes money to? Frankly, Im offended and a little hurt that you would do such a thing to me.

But then you add insult to injury: you want to charge me almost $400, and yet you only charged him $190! What, you think Im some kind of stupid guy? I might be stupid, but Im not dumb!!! The least you can do is be equitable in your attempt at extortion! If you cant explain these things, please dont bother writing back to me. I am very busy. And I would like some assurance from Madam Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.

Oh, and by the way, I know that my email account says different, but my true name is BENNY FISCH I.R.E. and I would appreciate being addressed correctly.

Ben E. Fish I.R.E

Atention ___________


Western Union® Welcome to Western Union
Send Money Worldwide

Attention ________________

We are happy to inform you that after the due verification on this matter by the directors, your $1.100,000,00 was approved for payment to you. It was conclude that you will receive $90,000 daily at $9,000 each. The sum of $9,000 was sent to you but due to the double claim on this fund the payment of $9,000 was stopped, and the authority is demanding for AFFIDAVIT OF FCAT from high court Benin or you come down to Benin in person and sign for the final release of the money to you.

Meanwhile because of the profit we will make if we transact the business with you, we have decide that our lawyer will assist you obtain the Affidavit of fact from the high court to avoid you hiring a lawyer. So you have two option to execute your transaction,chose one and get back to us
1, Do you want to come here? 2, Do you want to obtain the Affidavit of fact from high court? The cost is $387.

You are advise to stop contact with any body or firm that contact you regards to your fund for security reasons and to avoid another impostor like Mr David. For more informations call +229 98 64 88 31 Contact person Dr Augustine Ekene.

Awaiting Yours Sincerely Dr Godwin Uzoma Phone +229 98 64 88 31
Fex +229 2132 4246
Western Union Payments
Western Union® Welcome to Western UnionPhone:+229 98 64 88 31
Send Money
Hello Doctor!

All these distinguished people, my my! Whatever happened to Ngozie Iwuala, or was her name Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala?

I was really impressed by her on the IMF/World Bank press conference. And I like doing business with the World Bank. That would actually be my preference. No flakey Citigroup stuff, you know what I mean? And, since I know she is high in the government there, I would be confident in the proceedings. Plus I have people in Nigeria.

But Benin is another story. I know no one, except you. And, no offense, but I dont know you. One cant be too careful these days, and frankly Ive heard of people going to far away places in Africa for money like this... and disappearing forever!

The good thing is that if you can get that much money so easily from Nigeria to Benin, you can probably get it here pretty easily, too. Which is good because I dont have the money to go there. In fact, I dont have the money for your lawyer. So I guess you can just take his fee out of the first $9000 for the Affidavit, about $400. In fact give him $1000, a little extra for his trouble. Of course, after the first $90,000 (thats the first day, right?) Ill be happy to travel to Benin, but right now I cant really afford it. And Im sure the IMF and World Bank both have offices in this country. So there should be no problem making the transfer.

And actually, I need it rather quickly, because my creditcard is overdrawn and the local bank is foreclosing on my house next week. At least it seems a real possibility, so you see, the $90,000 per day could come in real handy about now. Of course, the good thing about being out of work is that Ill have lots of time to spend all my new money, once the mortgage is all squared away.

Please consider this letter my authorization to proceed with the Affidavit of fact, you can tell Augustine Ekene to go ahead. Once the first check is cleared, then the $400 should be reimbursed – and the lawyer should be amply rewarded, say $600 just to keep even numbers. If all goes well, there will be enough to make worthwhile fr you as well.

Of course, Im still fine with doing business with Mr David Perry, or rather, David Chop. If he has a way to get the cash, as you indicated in the last letter, then it might really be best to go ahead with him as a partner and he can bring me the cash. It would save me a lot in taxes, so Id glady give him 50% for his trouble. Anyway you have options!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This could be you!


OK, foolish, I know, but this time I couldnt resist. And I admit I was inspired the other day by a guy who carried on for weeks with an ID phishing scammer, teasing and pimping them at the same time. All in all, very entertaining. How many times have you wanted to write back to one of these offers of millions?

I will never forget the first "sweepstakes winner" email I got. I was completely taken, my heart was pounding: "Me? I won? Whoa boy, what will I do with it all? Dont forget what happens to people who win big - it doesnt go well for them!" Fortunately, I came to my senses before getting in too deep. Something smelled funny. I got wise. Ah, sweet ignorance!

Anyway, this is an actual email sent to me. I know, we all get them every day. But this one somehow caught my fancy. Kind of a nice storyline twist. And I love the almost usurped name. Its the name of a very astute Nigerian Minister, who is engaged in sticking up for her country (and it's neighbors) against the big money, oil, WTO, etc. And, hey, do any of you guys notice the problem we have in Africa with HIV?

So, anyway, I answered. If they write me back, I promise to post. As if I have the time for such foolishness! Of course, if Joe Chop comes through with the cash...

Yours truly,

Madam Ngozie Iwuala wrote:
> Hello Beneficiary
> This is to officially inform you that the INTERNATIONAL MONTARY FUND in conjunction with the European Union, The United States Gorvenment and World Bank for the sole purpose of resolving pending transfer has compensate you with US$1.100,000,00. after the draw through your email. This amount is directed in cash credit to code WUMT/009793576430 at the owner of this email address.
> For security reasons your email address was choose to send it instead of your name.The bank made us to know that one Mr David Chop has contact them for the payment of the fund to him as the rightful beneficiary to the fund. Here comes the big question, (DID YOU AUTHORIZED MR DAVID CHOP TO RECEIVE THE MONEY ON YOUR BEHALF WITH THIS ACCOUNT DETAILS IN CHINA?) Account Number 7222111482600000209, Account Name David Chop, Bank Citic Bank, Swift code. ULSBIE2D. IBAN number. IE78ULSB98533083313083.
> If yes, advise the Western Union Bank to pay him. But if No, Contact the director Western Union Bank Benin Dr Godwin Uzoma through Email with your full contact information to resolve and reprogram your information and release your fund to you. 1,Your full names -----------, Your present home address ----------------, Your direct phone number ------------------, Your current occupation ----------------, Your Age --------------- and Marital status ----------------.
> Contact the western union bank with your code WUMT/009793576430 and your entitlement valid will be release to you. If you did not take any action immediately, in the next couple of days they will release the money to him.
> Thanks
> Madam Ngozie Iwuala
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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Ngozie Iwuala, what a great name!

Almost like Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance from Nigeria. Is that you - just forgot how to spell your name? Hmmm! If that is you, I got to watch you on in the press conference in Dubai five years ago. Fascinating!

It was a while back when they made you Managing Director of the World Bank - congratulations on that! Guess you have had your hands full, cause you havent been in the news much for a year or so. I sure hope everything is alright.

I have always wanted an account with the International Monetary Fund, seems that is the way to go if you travel at all, and it sounds like I might be travelling a lot more in the very near future! Anyway, its great to hear that the IMF is finally getting off their duff (no offense, Madam!) and out of the business of worldwide economic slavery. That was a sordid agenda, imho, and the "new world order" always seemed kinda upside-down to me.

Good to see that theres been some sort of epiphany up there in the big office, and that you are finally just giving the extra dough to poor deserving Americans like me, instead of spending it to insure that the Third World will always work at below subsistence wages for the Bushies and the Rockyfellers of the world. Just curious, what made you change? You guys had a pretty tight racket there for a while, why give it up? Or did you get orders from Obama? I bet that's it, Barrach made you do it. Good for him! Ill send him a check, once you make my deposit. Tell him its in the mail.

I only mention these things because you sound like you have similar political views to mine, coming from the first democracy in Africa. It IS heartening to know there are people with your keen understanding in government in Africa, since there seems to be a deficit of such people in my government. Weird that you forgot how to spell your name...

Meanwhile, I digress. To answer your question:

David Chop? I have never heard of this guy! I am guessing he is one bad dude - cut him OFF! Or else tell him that he can collect as long as he brings half to me, in cash. Actually, that would be ideal. Then I would not have to bother with all the pesky tax stuff! If you are in touch with him, tell him the party is over - I am onto his dirty tricks, but that I think he sounds like a resourceful character and I would like to reward him - make him an offer he cant refuse. He should email me right away.

By the way, do you know the singer Bola Abimbola? Hes from Nigeria too, and I played in his band for a while.

I remain at your service,
Benificiary (the owner of this email address.)